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liposuction modelIf you are storing stubborn deposits of fat, chances are that your genetics are making it difficult for you to eliminate them. People striving to maintain a lean appearance often have trouble defining specific areas in which fat commonly builds up. These weight-loss patients often can’t seem to shed those last few inches to achieve their goal weight. Regardless of your stage of life, fat that prevents you from having the physique you desire can be frustrating. Therefore liposuction is ideal for patients who wish to achieve a leaner, more defined body shape by permanently eliminating unwanted fat.


Patients considering liposuction should be in good health and have realistic expectations about their results. Liposuction is a refinement technique, not a weight-loss procedure. Patients should be close to their goal weight before undergoing liposuction. Patients with good skin elasticity can undergo liposuction as a standalone procedure; otherwise, patients may need to consider combining their liposuction with a body lift procedure. You can utilize liposuction if you have troublesome fat in any of these problem areas:

  • Abdomen
  • Hips
  • Thighs
  • Arms
  • Breasts/chest
  • Back
  • Knees/ankles
  • Neck


Tumescent Liposuction

This outpatient procedure is performed with the patient under either local or general anesthesia. A tumescent fluid is injected into the treatment area to help break up the fat for an easier, more gentle procedure. Discreet incisions are placed in easily concealed locations to mask any potential scarring. A cannula is inserted through these incisions to suction out the unwanted fatty tissue. Dr. Ashoor carefully removes fat, contouring and creating definition as he goes.


SlimLipo™ is a modern lipolysis system that uses laser wavelengths to melt and break down fat cells. The SlimLipo™process liquefies fat for a quicker removal time. Patients who use SlimLipo™ often have less tissue sagging and dents along the skin. Since the SlimLipo™ process is easier on the body, you have a faster healing time with less bruising.

Combination Procedures

Traditional liposuction and Smartlipo™ alone cannot provide ideal results in patients who have moderate to severe skin laxity. If you have lax skin, you should consider combining your liposuction with a body contouring procedure. Combining liposuction with a tummy tuck, arm lift, breast lift or lower body lift can transform the body after massive weight loss. If necessary, Dr. Ashoor will recommend combining procedures during your consultation.


You will experience bruising, swelling and redness following your surgery. Compression garments are worn to reduce excess swelling, facilitate the healing process, and stimulate skin contraction. Strenuous physical activity must be avoided for several weeks following the procedure. Most patients can return to work within a week of their procedure. You can also resume your regular activities, including exercise, after four weeks. Most major swelling should subside within six weeks.


Incisions are placed in easily concealed locations. Most incisions are hidden in natural body creases or areas that can conveniently be covered with clothing. The severity of scarring varies between patients depending on the extent of correction as well as the body’s natural healing process. If you do develop visible scarring, it is likely to fade over time.

If you are looking to improve the shape of your body and restoring it to a leaner, more defined appearance, schedule your consultation with Dr. Ashoor today. Call us at +973 17 74 0660 or contact us online.


Contact Information

Dr. Basem Ashoor
Bahrain Plastic Surgery

Villa 2744 Road 6465 Block 364
Bilad Al Qadeem
Kingdom of Bahrain


If you prefer to communicate using WhatsApp feel free to message or voice us. +97366354006

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